Why does my dog make gurgling noises while breathing and sleeping?

Why does my dog make gurgling noises while breathing and sleeping?

First, paddling their legs in the air, and now this weird gurgling/bubbling noise while sleeping! What does your dog want? As it sounds like a fluid buildup, does it indicate sickness? Should you be concerned about this noise? Well, yes and no! It is a matter of situation. There are two scenarios: first, the gurgling … Read more

How To Off-Leash Train Using Simple Solutions and Steps

How To Off-Leash Train Using Simple Solutions and Steps

Walking around with your dog without always having to control its leash sounds very appealing. However, this requires a lot of training and practice. Especially with a breed like Beagles, you need to put a lot of effort into off-leash movements. Beagles are originally hunting dogs, making their hunting instincts naturally suitable. The hunting traits … Read more

Are Beagles Good Guard Dogs?

Are Beagles Good Guard Dogs

Beagles are one of the most preferred breeds to be kept as pets. They are friendly, energetic, and very affectionate towards their owners. Beagles are social and excellent with other dogs, as well as children. However, their friendly personalities don’t let them be good guard dogs. Beagles can be very protective of their owners and … Read more