Do Beagles Attack? Understanding Beagle Temperament

Do Beagles attack other animals

Different breeds of dogs have different temperaments. Thus, before choosing a pet, you must learn how it will act in certain situations. Beagles are amiable dogs with no sort of aggressive behavior. They rarely act out of anger or aggression since their personalities are extra-friendly. However, if the Beagle has behavior issues or is experiencing … Read more

5 Ways to Help Teething Beagle Puppy – Beagle Puppy Teething Stages, Age and Timeline

5 Ways to Help Teething Beagle Puppy

Did you know Beagles are born toothless, and when they grow old, they have 42 teeth? Yes, they have 10 more teeth than us! Teething can be an unpleasant experience for your Beagle. They will go through problems and may act differently as a result. They may become aggressive and nibble at your hand. So, … Read more

Why Is Your Beagle Not Affectionate And What To Do?

Why Is Your Beagle Not Affectionate And What To Do

Beagles are generally amiable dogs who will lavish their affection on their master. They enjoy cuddling, playing, kissing, and napping on their master’s lap. However, just as humans have distinct personalities, dogs do as well. Not all Beagles will display affection; some may enjoy cuddling, and others may dislike physical contact. It varies from one … Read more

How To Help A Beagle Lose Weight : 9 Easy And Effective Ways to Help Your Beagle Lose Weight

Help Beagles Lose Weight

Beagles are fond of food; that is why they tend to gain weight quickly and can be affected by obesity. Two factors are critical in preventing obesity in Beagles: first, provide them with a balanced diet and daily exercise. They can gain unhealthy weight if you cannot manage any of them. Obesity in Beagles also … Read more