How to Make Dog Chocolate (DIY Carob Chocolate)

Chocolates are so delicious, and we know how it is good for our health. But for dogs? Nope, they aren’t. But when you eat your chocolate, we surely know your dog will give you the ‘sad eye’ look for a piece of chocolate. It is best for both of you if you don’t give them.  

Well, here’s the good news. You can give a chocolate alternative to your pooch. Yes! Today we’ll be looking at the goodness and chocolatey flavour of carob and a luscious truffle recipe for your doggo. 

Are chocolates really dangerous for dogs to eat?

Are chocolates really dangerous for dogs to eat

Absolutely! If you didn’t know, chocolate is deadly to dogs, and even a tiny amount can make them sick or even kill them. That’s how serious it is. Allowing your dog to consume chocolate or any food with a bit of chocolate can give the pet serious illnesses. It is because stimulants such as theobromine and caffeine are present in chocolates. These two can cause the dog to encounter risks as their digestive system will find it hard to digest them. Thankfully, carob comes to the rescue, providing a pleasantly sweet, mild, somewhat nutty flavour as well as a rich, dark colour just like chocolate. 

What is carob? Is it safe for dogs?

What is carob Is it safe for dogs

Yes, carobs are entirely safe for dogs, and their non-toxic sweetness is famous for being an item to add to dog delicacies. Carob derives from the carob bean, which is grown in pods on evergreen carob trees native to the Mediterranean and the Middle East. Carob beans are processed similarly to cocoa beans, and we can typically buy them in carob powder or carob chips for baking.

Carob does not contain caffeine or theobromine, but it is high in fibre and includes a wide range of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. It also helps to keep the digestive system in good form. As a result, it is both healthy and delicious.

Is it possible to make dog treats with carobs?

Is it possible to make dog treats with carobs

Definitely yes. This dog-friendly chocolate alternative is a great product to make dog cupcakes or other chocolatey desserts. All you need to do is follow a recipe that includes chocolate and replace it with carob; that’s it. For instance, if you want to bake cookies for your dog, make a carob chip cookie using a chocolate chip cookie recipe. You only need to replace ‘chocolate chips’ with ‘carob chips.’ As carob has less fat than cocoa, you can adapt to a recipe by adding a bit of extra oil/butter or whatever fat is used in the recipe when using carob instead of chocolate. This will add texture and flavour to carob.

If you’re melting them to make frosting or dip delicacies, the ideal way is to melt tiny batches of carob chips at a time in a double boiler. If you’re having trouble melting something, adding a little heated milk or oil will assist. You can alternatively heat the chips in the microwave for 20 to 30 seconds at a time, stirring after each interval. If you’re using the microwave, adding a splash of warm milk can help. You can also take small carob chips, melt them, and add another batch to get a good amount of melted carob. If you do these correctly, you will get a chocolate-like consistency to use in your recipe. 

When you directly add carob chips into a dough without melting, they will melt but harden when cool. Notably, the carob does not reheat well once melted, so melt it in tiny amounts to prevent wasting it. But anyhow, your dog will love to crunch the cookie!

Chocolate? Nope, carob truffle recipe for your dog

How to Make Carob Chocolate

Do you know that carob pairs nicely with peanut butter? Yes! The smooth texture of peanut butter and carob’s sweetness will burst into flavours in your pet’s mouth. Here is an easy carob truffle recipe for your doggo.

Required Tools:

1. Wooden spoon to stir
2. Measuring spoons
3. Wax paper and cookie sheet
4. Double boiler
5. Fork

Things Needed?

Crispy rice cereal (one cup)
Peanut butter (one cup)
carob chips (one cup)
Honey (¼ cup)
Half cup of warm water (not hot)
Butter or vegetable oil

Steps to Make Carob Chocolate:

Step 1:

In a large mixing basin, combine the cereal, peanut butter, and honey until well blended.

Step 2:

Take your measuring spoon, scoop the mixture into the required size and make them into balls.

Step 3:

Place the balls on wax paper-lined cookie trays and keep them aside. Now we should melt the Carob for the liquid to coat these balls.

Step 4:

Stir together 1/2 cup hot water and 1 teaspoon vegetable oil with the chips. Stir until the mixture is  like melted chocolate. If you want to make the consistency thinner, add a few teaspoons of water at a time.

Step 5:

Take the melted carob from the fire and put it to use right away.
Now that the truffle centres (balls) are made, the following steps you follow are, 

Step 6:

Dip the truffle centres one at a time into the melted carob. Use the fork to help submerge the truffles and evenly coat them in the melted carob. 

Step 7:

Now re-wrap the coated truffles in wax paper and let them chill to harden the carob coat. Then let your dog enjoy it!


Q. Does carob help with diarrhoea?

According to several studies, consuming carob pod powder or drinking raw carob bean juice before taking ORS lowers diarrhea symptoms. Carob beans work for both dogs and humans.

Q. What are the effects of theobromine?

Theobromine has a depressant impact and predominantly affects the central nervous, cardiovascular, and respiratory systems. Vomiting, haematemesis, and polydipsia are the earliest indicators of poisoning in dogs. 


Ensuring our dogs are content and happy is one of the best feelings ever. Giving them delicious treats to satisfy their buds will give them so much joy and will keep them active the whole day. Additionally, when those treats give our dog immense health benefits, it’s even better. Have a nice day and enjoy baking the truffles! We hope that you’ve found the best ingredient today to help your dog feel bouncy.

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