Can Dogs Eat Cardamom? is cardamom safe for dogs?

Thinking about whether it’s safe to feed your dog cardamom? You’ve come to the right place. This article will answer every possible question of yours to help you make the right decision for your dog!

Cardamom has many health benefits like reducing inflammation, anxiety, joint pain, and helping digestive issues. It contains powerful antioxidants and is known for its anti-bacterial properties. With the proper dosage, cardamom can be highly beneficial for dogs.

To find out whether it’s safe to give your dog cardamom, scroll down!


Can your dog consume cardamom, and in what quantity? 

Can your dog consume cardamom, and in what quantity 

It is perfectly safe to give your dog cardamom in small amounts. Cardamom shouldn’t make up more than 10% of the dog’s diet. Failure in this can cause vomiting or diarrhoea.

Since cardamom can have a laxative effect, it is advised not to give it in large quantities. It is best to avoid curries containing cardamom. They might have ingredients that aren’t good for your pet.


Different ways to give your dog cardamom

Different ways to give your dog cardamom

Dogs find it hard to chew cardamom pods, and they might not find the smell pleasing. Listed below are different ways you can feed your dog cardamom.

1. Make Cardamom tea 

A great way of feeding your dog cardamom is to make a tea of it. Add a few cardamom pods into a pan of boiling water, and let it seep for 8-10 mins under low heat. Let it cool, then pour a tiny amount over your dog’s food. You could also leave it in a bowl for your dog to drink.


2. Use crushed cardamom powder

You could also crush the cardamom seeds into a fine powder and sprinkle it over your pet’s food.


3. Mix with treats

Make dog biscuits or treats using the cardamom powder or tea, as the cardamom flavour won’t be overpowering.


4. Mix with bone broth

The crushed cardamom powder can be mixed into your dog’s bone broth to make it more nutritious.


5. Cardamom essential oil

Ensure that your dog is comfortable and can move away from the diffuser in case of any discomfort. Based on the diffuser you’re using, mix in 1 drop of the essential oil with 120ml of water. If your dog shows any signs of discomfort, keep the diffuser away.

Author’s Note: You could also consult a herbalist vet and mix cardamom with a combination of healing herbs recommended by the vet.


Benefits of feeding your dog cardamom

Benefits of feeding your dog cardamom


According to traditional Chinese medicine, cardamom is most effective when working with the spleen, kidneys, and stomach. It has many anti-fungal and anti-bacterial properties and several antioxidant effects.

Cardamom fights cancer and works on its prevention. Blood circulation and health can be improved using cardamom.

It helps by opening the lungs and improves breathing by reducing inflammation and fighting infections. Cardamom boosts the liver’s detoxing and stimulation.

Eating cardamom warms the dog’s body and helps lower blood pressure. It reduces clotting, nausea, vomiting, and UTIs.

Here are the key benefits of cardamom for your dog:

    Drains dampness from the dog’s body and improves digestion.

    Contains anti-cancer phytochemicals

    Provides your dog with a proper appetite

    Fights hormonal imbalances

    It acts as an energy booster

    Helps dogs with irritable bowel syndrome and anorexia

    Provides fresh breath and healthy gums


The risks of giving your dog cardamom/Can cardamom negatively affect your dog, and how to prevent it?

The risks of giving your dog cardamom


Cardamom doesn’t have any known side effects. However, it does have some side effects if it is over-used. Dog owners are advised against giving cardamom pods directly to dogs, as it could result in vomiting and bloating.

In case this occurs, call your vet immediately, as they may be symptoms of intestinal obstruction or some digestive issue.

Your dog’s cardamom intake should not make up more than 10% of its daily diet. Excess intake of cardamom can cause pain and discomfort.

While using cardamom oil, one should be careful, as too much can cause loose stools.

While feeding certain breeds like Poodles and Dachshunds, utmost care should be taken. You shouldn’t give puppies under a year-old cardamom as they’re delicate at that age.

Some dogs could suffer from an obstructed intestine if they consume too many cardamom seeds, resulting in serious health problems and sometimes death. Due to this, it is essential to be careful about the dosage of cardamom given to your dog.

Warning: Do not give cardamom to your pregnant dog, as it may result in a miscarriage.


Alternatives to cardamom you can give  your dog 

There are many alternatives for cardamom if your dog is allergic or doesn’t find it pleasing.

1. Cinnamon

Cinnamon twigs help in treating indigestion and fungal infections. It warms your dog’s blood while helping in fighting fevers. It can be mixed with their food and used. One could prepare dog biscuits and treats using cinnamon.


2. Ginger

Ginger helps in battling colds, fever, and cough. It also has antibacterial properties. It helps in boosting your dog’s immune system.


3. Saffron

Dogs can consume saffron in small doses. It is better to check if they’re allergic by giving a tiny bit first.


4. Turmeric

Turmeric is known for its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. It is safe for dogs to eat, and some dog food even lists turmeric as an ingredient. Turmeric can enhance flavour and give a natural colour to dog food.



We have compiled a few frequently asked questions for you.

Q. Can cardamom cause allergic reactions in dogs?

It is infrequent for cardamom to cause an allergic reaction in dogs. In case of an allergic reaction, contact your vet immediately.


Q. What should you do if your canine consumes cardamom?

Vets prescribe cardamom for dogs due to its health benefits. If they don’t appear to be in any discomfort, and if there aren’t any reactions, then it’s okay. Checking up with a vet is recommended if you still want to ensure they’re okay.


Q. Is it okay for your dog to consume cardamom pods? 

Consumption of cardamom pods by dogs is acceptable if they don’t eat too many of them. Excessive consumption could cause diarrhea, vomiting, etc.


Q. Can dogs consume cardamom seeds?

Yes, they can. It is best to give your dog 1-2 per day to prevent digestive issues. Over-consumption can be dangerous.


Q. Consumption of cardamom plants by dogs

Dogs can eat cardamom plants. Make sure to remove seeds from it before giving them to your dog.


Q. Is cardamom oil safe for consumption by dogs?

If the quantity is tiny, there is no problem giving your dog cardamom oil. Be cautious with the quantity, as too much oil intake can cause nausea.

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Dogs can consume cardamom if it’s the correct quantity. Over-consumption can be harmful to their health. However, if given the right amount, it can benefit their health. It improves digestion and helps the liver and lungs.

Cardamom can be mixed with food and given to your dog. While providing cardamom, dogs should be cared for, as excess cardamom in their body can lead to vomiting, diarrhea, and nausea. Several other spices like cinnamon, turmeric, and ginger are helpful for canines.

I hope that this article has solved all your queries and helped you reach the right decision! If you’ve got any questions or comments, leave them down below! We’ll be back next week with another article for your furry friends!

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